How to Succeed as a Virtual Assistant if you are from Latin America

How to Succeed as a Virtual Assistant if you are from Latin America

September 21, 20236 min read

Rocío is a full time virtual assistant from México. She is 42. Studied Business Administration and consider herself as a “people oriented person”. She also enjoys traveling and working in open places like parks or in the Starbucks of the cities she visits (that’s one of the benefits of working from home: freedom).

She is currently part of the family of virtual assistants at MyFirstAssistant and probably the most experienced person when it comes to work with small business owners and entrepreneurs to help them increase their organization and productivity skills.

So, if you’ve ever heard of virtual assistants and want to become one, this article is for you!

"How did you became a virtual assistant?"

I did some research online and came across various job postings for virtual assistant roles that piqued my interest.

However, I wanted to find a virtual assistant position that aligned with my interests and values. That's when I happened to have an informal chat with someone who worked at Lumily, a company that works with artisans to create beautiful and sustainable products.

During our conversation, I realized that Lumily was looking for someone to serve as a liaison between the artisans they work with and the company itself. That sounded very interesting So I offered my services to Lumily and they were impressed by my enthusiasm and qualifications. I was offered a couple of interviews, and eventually landed the virtual assistant position.

"What's the most common misconception about virtual assistants that you'd like to clear up?"

Many people believe that virtual assistants can only accomplish tasks if they are supervised closely and work in the same physical space as their employer. But this is not true. In fact, virtual assistants have proven to be highly productive, especially during the pandemic when remote work became the norm for many businesses.

VA’s are pretty good at managing their own time and getting stuff done, especially if they know exactly what they're supposed to be doing.

The key to success with virtual assistants lies in clearly defining processes and tasks. When a virtual assistant has a clear understanding of their role and the tasks they need to complete, they are more likely to be productive and successful. You can't expect them to read your mind! And keep in touch with them regularly to make sure they're on track and doing what they're supposed to be doing. By doing this, you'll get the most out of your virtual assistant and they'll be able to help you achieve your goals.

"What kind of training do you go through to become a virtual assistant?"

I had data privacy and security training and also I had to learn the specific tools the company uses. At MyFirstAssistant we use management tools like Asana and Hubstaff. They are really easy to use and help our clients to monitor the progress of our work.

"What’s the most challenging task you’ve performed virtually?

When I need to reach out to someone and they're not responding, which can cause a delay in the work. It can be a little frustrating when you're waiting for someone to get back to you so you can move forward with the task at hand.

Another difficult situation is when messages are misunderstood or misinterpreted. This can lead to confusion and mistakes that can take time to correct. As a virtual assistant, clear communication is essential, so it can be a challenge when messages are not understood the way they were intended.

In both cases, I do my best to follow up and clarify any confusion. I've learned to be persistent and patient in these situations, as they are a natural part of the job. Despite the challenges, being a virtual assistant has taught me valuable communication and problem-solving skills, which I use to overcome any obstacles that come my way.

"How do you handle difficult customers?"

Empathy is key when it comes to customer service, because it shows that you care about their concerns and are willing to work with them to find a solution.

But it’s also important to keep the company's best interests in mind. While we want to do everything we can to make the customer happy, we also need to make sure that we're not making promises we can't keep or going against company policies.

"What do you admire most about your culture in the labor field and how does that impact the way you work?"

I really love how our culture values warmth and kindness in the workplace. It's not just about being polite or friendly - it's about genuinely caring for the people you work with and treating them with respect. This makes a huge difference in the quality of service we provide, because when we feel good about our work environment and the people we work with, we're more motivated to go above and beyond for our clients.

For me personally, this culture of kindness has a big impact on the way I approach my job as a virtual assistant. I always try to be empathetic and understanding with my clients, and I make sure to listen carefully to their needs so I can provide the best possible service.

"How do you see virtual assistants evolving in the future?"

Well, it's really exciting to think about the future of virtual assistants! As the world becomes more connected and globalized, I think we're going to see even more demand for virtual assistance services. And the great thing is that technology is constantly evolving to make it easier and more efficient for us to work virtually, whether it's through video conferencing, collaboration tools, or other innovative solutions.

How to Succeed as a Virtual Assistant if you are from Latin America

And finally, Rocio, Tell me how has this job impacted your life and how you can impact a customer’s life

Wow, those are complex questions.

Well, this job has honestly been life-changing for me. After working for PepsiCo for 14 years, I had to retire due to a visual disability. I wasn't sure what my options would be after that - I didn't want to just sit at home and do nothing, but I also knew that finding a traditional job would be tough.

That's when I discovered virtual assistance. I could work from home, using my computer and my phone to communicate with clients and get things done. It was a bit of a learning curve at first, but I quickly got the hang of it and started building up a client base.

I hope you enjoyed this interview with Rocio. And if you want to become a virtual assistant, check our website. We are currently hiring!

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